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Spiralled - Bulk Liquid Tanks

bulk storage

bulk storage silos No welding Reduces costs, eliminates quality issues, leakage and structural fatigue potential.
silo Stronger construction The spiralled lipp construction is stronger than standard plates or corrugated materials. The need for external hoop straps, stiffeners and bolts is eliminated. This eliminates the potential of rusting around bolt holes, and avoids protrusions into the silo, that can impede product flow area.
silo design Faster and safer construction Minimal labour requirement. Works carried out at ground level.
grain silo Eliminate delivery issues Avoids special delivery regulations and no issues with damage due to transportation and lifting.
bulk storage silos Any size Up 4 megalitres liquids storage
silo Many material grades Mild steel, stainless steel, galvanized and dual plate - Galvanized one side and stainless steel on the other for aggressive materials and environments.


bulk storage